My Story

I am a chubby, 43 year old married father of three children and two cats. I started stand up comedy in 2003. I drank almost every day for a decade, went to rehab for cocaine addiction in 2006 and eventually became addicted to prescription painkillers from 2012-2014. During my painkiller run, I managed to write two books, Terrible Advice and Terrible Advice for Parents. I am very proud of both and neither sold more than 500 copies. I ate shit consistently for over a decade before finding success with a blog I wrote called Terrible Dad Blog.

After Terrible Dad Blog, I was very fortunate to be a part of Delco Proper with my friends. It seemed like it was going to be a TV show, but after filming the pilot, the network said “No thanks, but we’d rather put out some microwaved dog shit that no one will watch,” and it was all over in an instant. I felt like that was it for me. About a year later, my buddy Tim Butterly, the funniest guy on the planet, and I started Dad Meat Podcast. Our listeners, the bubs, made us feel like we should be making stuff again, so we continued to do so and are eternally grateful for them.

In 2021, I started Lil Stinkers Podcast with my friends Jon DelCollo and Jake Mattera, who make me laugh more than anyone else. Both of them indulge me as I talk about serial killers, and just generally fucked up people who do funny stuff. Now, I am proud to present to you my latest book, On Percs, which is a detailed account of my painkiller addiction through the perspective of my Facebook posts and current day analyses of those posts. I hope to sell 5,000 copies of On Percs, which would allow me to quit my day job, spend more time with my family and buy a new Chrysler 300 to make up for the one I had repo’d.

I love my life and I am grateful for all the family, friends and supporters that make it what it is. Thank you for supporting me.

Listen to my podcasts here